Monday, December 1, 2014

First Baptism! Hillary Idolo, Nov 22

I'm On Saturday, November 22nd, Hillary Idolo was baptized. It was such a beautiful day. I feel so blessed to have the opportunity to teach Hillary. Hillary grew up in Nigeria speaking pigeon english. He went to school and he also studied religion for most of his life. He is one of 10 children. When Hillary lived in Nigeria, he had a roommate who moved to the States and then he became a member of the church. He told Hillary that he needed to find our church so that he could become a member too and feel the joy that he felt after his baptism. Hillary showed up at church and soon after meeting him we started teaching him. Hillary had been praying for guidance in his life and was also praying about what church to attend. After 3 weeks from the day we first started teaching him, he got baptized. Two of his nieces were able to be there and his mom.  He always says "how lovely! how lovely!" in his Nigerian accent haha its the best! We have developed a great friendship and he is so happy!

On Friday, we went and saw a man named Brett Mackay. He grew up in the church until he was 14 and then he stopped going because his parents stopped believing it was true. He is engaged and his fiancĂ©'s  sister moved to Utah and became a member of the church. When Brett and Kim went to visit Kim's sister, they really enjoyed the emphesis on family that our church offers. Plus,mhe has been running into a lot of people from his past that are members of the church. PLUS we knocked on his door and didn't even know he lived there. Somanyways, he is super prepared to come back to church. He really wants to come back and his fiancĂ© is really excited to meet with us. Heavenly Father prepares people for the Gospel. Our job is just to find the people who are prepared and then teach them. 

Then we are also teaching Andy. We started talking to him when he was watering his lawn. We said, "we teach people how to come closer to Jesus Christ and how that foundation can help us come closer as families, is that something you would want to know more about about?" and he said YES!!! So then we continue to teach him a short lesson about the Book of Mormon. He invited us to come back. We went back and we taught him another short lesson at his doorstep (since his girlfriend didn't want us to come in). Andbit was one of the most powerful lessons I've had on my mission. Andy said he got the chills and we explained to him that feeling was the Holy Ghost testifying that what we were telling him was true. We taught him about how God is our loving Heavenly Father. It was really awesome. I love being a missionary and being able to witness miracles everyday!

My great Aunt Dodi died last Tuesday. I just found out today. I never met any of my grandparents so she was like a grandma to me. I didn't think the last time I saw her would be the last time. Of course it makes me sad but I am really grateful that I have the knowledge and belief in God. I know I will see her again after this life. 

I love the Gospel so much. I was reading Boyd K Packer's talk from this last conference. He pointed out that the Bible, The Book of Mormon, the Pearl of Great Price, and the Doctrine and Covenents make up the largest compilation of scriptural references to Jesus Christ. That is how I know this church is true. Because I believe in my Savior, and brother Jesus Christ and I am grateful to have scripture that teaches me more about Him. We would never replace the Bible, we only have supporting scripture to the Bible. I am grateful because it helps me to come closer to Christ. I love you guys! Have a good week:)

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